CS 598: Project

Spring 2019


  1. 1/18 Fri 23:59pm (End of Week 1): Form project group
  2. 2/1 Fri 23:59pm (End of Week 3): Submit project proposal
  3. 3/3 Sun 23:59pm (End of Week 7): Submit Checkpoint 1 report
  4. 4/5 Fri 23:59pm (End of Week 11): Submit Checkpoint 2 report
  5. 4/25 and 4/30 (in class): Final project demo (15 min)

  6. 5/1 Fri 23:59pm: Submit final project report (6 pages max)

Reports and Code

Submission: Submit your reports and code to me via email.

Proposal: Your project proposal should describe what you plan to do, why it is interesting, how you plan to do it, and what you are not sure about. Also describe what resources you think you will need to carry out the project (e.g., VMs, datasets). The end product of the proposal is a crisp problem statement and a feasibility study based on concrete examples and datasets. The proposal contributes to 2% of your final score.

Checkpoint reports: Please see the Deadline section for what you should include in your checkpoint reports. The checkpoint reports do not need to be formal (you can use Google docs). However, checkpoint reports do contribute to 8% of your final score (3% and 5% for Checkpoint 1 and 2, respectively).

Final paper: Your final paper should be written like a research paper you read in class. The report should be no longer than 6 pages.

Code: You can host your code at GitHub or BitBucket, and send me the link. It is ok if you want to keep your code confidential, but please talk to me explicitly.

Paper/report format: Please format you reports and papers with the new USENIX paper template (2019 conferences).

Project Ideas

The projects could be (but not limited to) one of the following forms:

I will provide a list of ideas to get you started thinking (on Piazza). But I highly encourage you to pursue your own ideas.